* Free laboratory tests (our employee leaves for sampling and initial tests);
* Pilot tests are paid only with a positive effect (we can provide up to 20 tons of products for testing);
Today, the most important stage in the oil production process is the destruction of oil emulsions. Choosing an effective solution is one of the biggest challenges facing oil companies.
Corrosion inhibitors
Are designed to protect equipment from electro-chemical corrosion and are active heterocyclic compounds in a specially selected complex solvent with the inclusion of bactericidal additives.
are designed to reduce (depression) the temperature of the fluidity loss of oil and oil products. They effectively disperse high-molecular paraffins, sharply reduce the viscosity of oil in wide temperature ranges.
are designed to prevent the growth of sulfate-reducing bacteria, are also applicable in cases of local contamination, both the bottom-hole zone and oil and water storage systems and systems for maintaining pressure in the formation